There comes a time in a man's life whereas he must yield to a greater power and let GOD lead him. Many people are to egocentric, bull headed or simply to afraid to act on GOD's word. Thank goodness I was not. 1 year ago to this date I asked my father in heaven for guidance and he answered me swiftly. I was working in a career path that I grew in financially fast, but I was unhappy and very stressed. To the point I felt I was getting ulcers. The stress level raised so high one day I got of from a long day of work and parked my work van. I got out of my vehicle to stretch and I passed out. I woke up about 3 minutes later with scrapes on my left arm and face. It was after office hours no one would have found me till the morning time if I had not regained consciousness. I realized I had to make a drastic change toward a positive direction in my life. Walking in blind faith I started a new leaf on life and i...

AFGSuccess. Positive affirmations, strong faith followed by action. Equals huge accomplishments. I am a motivator, aspiring keynote speaker; urban clothing/ christian apparel brand owner. I do hope my motivational posts and motivational speech will aid you on a new journey to attain what you desire.